This past week I finally got my paints and miniatures tools back out after a long break. I have really tried to do any repairs to my existing miniature for two years now, so I have a backlog of work to do just to get everything back into game-worthy condition. I've got a stack of pictures to show, so I think I'll break these up into several posts and spread them out over a week or so. If you are impatient, you can peek at the whole collection here.

These first two pictures are of the Blackhawk I've been working on for a friend, and something even more important: I save the paper that I use to test my colors until the I am finished painting. Because I like to mix and blend colors, this in like a roadmap to recreate the palette I was using back in November.

Next are two photos of one of my project boxes. I have a couple of companies of tanks I need to finish up, and a few mechs in various stages of assembly or painting.

To the below are some nearly completed miniatures, but have already seen some action on the gaming table. I still need to spray them with dullcote to knock down the shine, and flock the bases.

Those are nice looking in progress pictures. I recognize the Longshoreman mechs and your jenners. I can't wait to see your progress.
The Longshoremen mechs will get their own post after I get the flocking finished.
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