Then there was the other journey. Five 13-year-old boys in a car on a long drive across the desert do get bored. There were two pretty girls in the car too (S and J), but we hadn't figured that stuff out yet. What we did have was a box. A game in a blue box that none of had seen before.

Sean had high wisdom and became a Leric? the cleric. Manus got high intelligence and was a magic user (name?) with a unique fashion sense. Taylor got the highest dexterity and was Avatar the thief. John and I got good strength and constitution and took the fighter roles of Elric? the elf and Peace the dwarf. Matt ran the show as the game master.
[Image IMDB, and if you are an RP gamer and have never seen Wizards, shame on you!]

In the past 13 months we have lost Gary Gygax and David Arneson, the two people who created Dungeons & Dragons, and who enabled a lot of those good memories I've been writing about. That is the way of things; people pass on leaving only memories. Though I gave up this particular game long ago, gaming remains a part of my life. I am not alone, because a lot of other people have been drawn to role playing games as a pastime and hobby. A lot of them started with the blue box or something very like it, just like my friends and I did in the back of that station wagon. Somehow I think the influence these two men had on so many people will not be forgotten any time soon.
[Update: With some help from Matt, we determined this must have been the spring of 1978, not 1977. Therefore most of us were actually 14 years old, not 13. There are some additional comments on Facebook.]
Excellent post. I believe Manus' wizard was Ralphabeskamiliatar... but I might be confusing that with a later characer. I DO recall that his wizard, dissapointed at the circa 1977 spell system carried around massive numbers of daggers and constantly tried to throw batches of them at the same time and generally getting himself killed a lot.
Concur on the sentiments. Fond memories. One disagreement... speaking only for myself, I was certainly AWARE of the females and attracted to them... just completely CLUELESS how to operationalize that awareness and attraction.
Hi Matt,
Manus used to have an online account of his wizard character, but I couldn't find it when I searched. No doubt 'Rocky' will fill in the details for us should he stop by.
And no, there is no disagreement. ;-)
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