Some friends and I have been playing a browser based game called
SKAPH for about two months now.
(Of course the initial attraction was the giant robots angle.) This is created by a German company, and it shows a bit in the translations to English, but the basics of the game are not too hard to figure out.

Battling robots are always nice, but SKAPH is really a game about resources and building. Your base starts with limited resources (you have crash landed on an alien planet) and you must construct mines and factories to create more, plus conduct reseach for new technology and structures. Building construction and resource accumulation is slow, paced so that players can play for a few minutes 2 or 3 times a day. Getting my first base up and running took over a week, but the construction times for basic building have since been radically reduced to help get new players into the game more quickly.

Once you get your base established, you construct a Map Room, at which point you are placed into the harsh world where others can attack you (all the other players crash landed too). Attacks become stronger as players bases grow, and alien attackers soon join the battles too. Damage is easily repaired, but your base will require regular attention. If you are persistent, your base will keep growing even when subjected to regular attacks. The only real way to lose is not to play; your base will be destroyed as multiple attacks strip away defenses and your headquarters is finally destroyed. (Caution: Attacks can be much more serious if you start on "hard", and a player in my group recently restarted to escape an unplayable starting location, surrounded by unhappy aliens.

Manage your resources well, make a few allies among your neighbors, and you will prosper. The majority of players n the game are German, but most know enough English that I can make deals with them (and there is always
Google Translate, but the Germans maylaugh at you.). If you start on the "easy" difficulty level, you will be placed among other new players, and any attacks made on you won't be too harsh. Of greater concern is the resources that are stolen from you in attacks, and you will want to build defenses for protection from raiders.
There is a
commercial aspect to this game, mostly in the form of ads. Additionally, your base is powered by Reactors with limited supply, and for a fee you can purchase Uranium to feed nuclear reactors, supplying greater power and making your base more efficient. Nuclear powered robots and weapons can eventually be built, but I have not progressed far enough yet to see this. The game is quite playable without spending any money on it.
And playable is the word for it. The pacing is slow, and the development of your base is spread out over weeks. This might seem frustrating, but there is a lot of satisfaction in seeing the game unfold and the difficulties encountered along the way. The game has stayed interesting for me all the while, and I'm looking forward to the next stage of research, so I start building the advanced combat units.

There are some nice animated promos too. I can't embed Flash here, but
here are
some links to the
I could say more about actual play, and offer some tips, but part of the fun is figuring the game out for yourself. I'm open to answering question though if someone wants help.

Finally, here is a screen capture of my primary base, the green bars indicate some damage I have not repaired yet, and my current resources along the top. The in-game graphics are not so nice as the demo material, but are still effective and nicely done.
--- UPDATE: More about Skaph ---
It looks like it could be an MMO version of starcraft, since you keep your base over time. Slow games like that are the best to play with friends you can ally with.
Hi, Im a big fan of Giant Battling Robots too, its very importaant to me when a game has Mechs, mechas or anyway you call them, I just discoverd your blog, I was searching for tips on Skaph, look, I have a big base, but I have noticed that I cant build more than 2 concrete tiles away from any construction, how can I make way for bigger constructions? should I demoslish my old constructions? can you give me any other tips?
The short answer is 'yes', you will need to demolish some of your older structures to make room for new larger building.
More soon ...
The longer answer: The area where you can put down new tiles basically grows in concentric rings centered on your Headquarters. When you start to fill in most of the available space, it expands to the next ring.
It's a good idea to think ahead towards where you want to put big buildings, and put something in that space you can afford to tear down later. A good choice might be an extra concrete plant; the extra concrete will help you build up your base until you are ready, and when it is gone you have most of the space needed for the new structure.
If you haven't figured this out already, you can store extra resources in Bogas (cargo mecha) positioned near your base, bringing then back every few days to refuel. You can use this trick to temporarily exceed your maximum storage. Do this in groups of no more than two Bogas, otherwise your neighbors may detect them and send a raiding party.
I have more tips, and I will write another post on the topic soon.
Soon is Here.
the game is nice I play it for a while but i don't like that forum is in german and if I want to ask something i must use english and there aren't to many english speakers:D
Please tell me wich units are good for attack and wich for defence.
@LoW: I don't use the forum much myself, but when I do Google Translate does an adequate job of converting it to English.
For attacks nothing (so far) beats the Veen (basic attack mecha) in firepower for ore cost. However, the more advanced units are individually more powerful, and require less oil and hangar space, which is also helpful.
For defense, you need Rocket Towers and lots of them. Use Light Barriers to absorb damage from frequent attacks. Bunkers are useful to help reduce your losses when you are attacked, but spending your resources before they can be stolen is even better.
how do i build a new base
See Part 3.
so can a veen travel by itself or does it have to have a boga to carry the fuel?
Yes it can travel on its own, with fuel in its internal tank. You can also refuel from a Boga or other Skaph. This is useful when you want to extend the amount of time a group can stay out, perhaps to carry out repeated attacks on a target.
We are back !
After many bugfixes and tweaks we are now back on the road.
See ya at SKAPH.com
greetz Floh :)
Glad to here that, even though I haven't played in a few years now. A friend has recently started playing again, and is trying to talk me into coming back too. Maybe ... so many games ... so little time.
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