08 March 2009

Blog Thoughts

Recent changes with the merger of Follower and and Friend Connect has fouled me up a bit. By way of blogging reciprocity I try to follow or subscribe to almost every blog that links to me, but now it looks like I have to go through my entire list and change the settings to "follow publicly". If you have a blog linking to me and I have recently disappeared from your list, this is why.

Sneaky SPAMmers keep trying to slip post in, and I am deleting them as they appear. To repeat my posting policy, I am happy to help promote your blog, so long as you make the effort to post something relevant here.

I intend to switch over to a three column layout, but haven't had the time to figure out just how to do it. If anyone has other suggestions for layout changes to make at the same time, I am looking for ideas.

I am working on a series of posts about basic strategy, and contemplating a two-parter about Trivial Pursuit. Not unexpectedly, my life is busy enough that I don't get to these topics as quickly as I would like.

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