
19 November 2012

1917 Russian Revolution: Why the Reds Won

Battletech fans, examine this photo closely:

Then go read this!



  1. So much for Harmony Gold winning against FASA as history will always remember the Zentradi Glaug command battlepod as a BattleTech Marauder

  2. Piloted by General Kerensky, no doubt. That machine does add a bit of weight to the revolutionary argument. Still... nothing special, except where it was found. And the fact that it finally got you to post this quarter!

  3. Yeah, I've been BAD about posting. My life seems to be full of little things designed to suck up my time and desire to write. There some stuff I've been working on tho, maybe I'll put it up just to show I'm not-quite-dead yet. :-)

  4. Props for the troll who suggested it's 'a statue of Alexander Kerensky'.


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