
08 September 2009

Paper Figure Generator

Stages RPG paper fugure generatorThe Stages RPG site has a feature that lets you create your own paper figures, which can then be cut out and assembled. That might be handy for your next RPG game.

Attack Vector Tactical ship boxes AV:TIf this printed all 6 sides instead of just two, you could make your own Squadron Strike and Attack Vector: Tactical ship boxes.

[UPDATE] Ad Astra Games has an application to create six-sided box figures as part of their subscription service for Squadron Strike.


  1. This would be useful for CBT or any mini based game as well. Especially if it uses figurines and you don't have the ones you need so long as figurine scale isn't too critical.

  2. It also looks like something that would be good for nerdy christmas ornaments, but that's my inner craft nerd coming out.

  3. Steve Jackson Games used to have a whole line of "Cardboard Hero" figures. Which were a very nice alternative to buying and painting miniature figures for every game I used to play (and I played a lot). I still have them around somewhere.

    Sapphire: Definitely your inner nerd. :-)


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