
07 July 2009

Rumours Abound: A new MechWarrior game in the works?

This 9 second video has been making a big splash on the gaming sites:

Lots of people have beaten me to this one, click for the most recent links on this story from Google.

[Kudos to Scrapyard Armory]

[UPDATE 7/8]

IGN seems to have the scoop this morning, and two more 9 second videos.

[UPDATE 7/10]

Rumors confirmed: MechWarrior 5 in in the works. Additionally, MechWarrior 4 is being release for free just to get us all riled up for it. I'm riled!
GBR Giant Battling Robots Favicon

1 comment:

  1. I'm all eyes on the internet tomorrow. It is all very exciting. A new MW title would be a perfect storm of positive Battletech karma.

    Catalyst has been doing amazing things with the IP without a major video game tie in. This could result in a huge surge in interest in the game when interest is already on the rise!


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