
21 July 2009

The Battletech Reader

Diomedes UAV Steven Satak Battletech Reader TRO:3063I just discovered Steven Satak's blog: The Battletech Reader. This blog has been around for a few years now, but Steven has recently become very active. He is compiling material for a fan-produced TRO: 3063, and he's lined up some really good art for it too. Nice work Steven - I look forward to seeing the finished product.
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  1. Thanks for stopping by. No, really. It gets the word out. Traffic is indeed picking up, although nowhere near what your site boasts. Someday... but that is not why I started the blog. It really comes in handy when getting the word out to the many people working on this project, and it also advertises the names of our artists and writers. It seems even David White got a commission from Catalyst Games after they took a look.


  2. You are welcome Steven. Blogging is about "sharing the traffic" too, and I'm more than happy to help get the word out for you.

  3. Please, work with the TBT-8K if you like. I hope it is up to your standards.



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