
25 January 2009

Make Your Own D6 Rubik's Cube

Instructables has a guide to Build Your Own Rubik's Cube using magnets.

Rubik's cube dice InstrubablesThey recommend a drill press, which is not something I count among my tools, but I bet I could make do with a hand held power drill and some patience. Maybe I'll try it for myself.
[Thanks to Metadeb for the tip.]


  1. For Christmas i bought my best friend Scott a sudoku Cube, combining the rubkis idea with the numbers on each side of the face, the beauty of the design i got, was that it had the true colurs as well as being able to be solved many ways with just the suduko.

    Be fun to make your own though.

  2. That looks so cool - I may have to try to make one myself some time!


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