in a Giant Battle Mecha ...
O'er the tanks we go,
Smashing all the way!
Ok, so maybe I won't give up the day job to become a lyricist, and those missiles are delivering presents, honest!
There have been over 4000 new visitors to this blog since it was posted on Blogs of Note Tuesday, and I am gratified and overwhelmed by the attention. Thanks to everyone who stops by, and thanks to the folks at Blogspot (Santa Blog?, Saint Blogolas? Father Blogmas?) for noticing me.
Merry Christmas everyone, and I hope that one or two of those nicely wrapped boxes under your tree might have a games in them.
Congrats to your Blog of note.. very innovative
Merry Christmas to GBR !!
Your Blog seems to be very informative and innovative. Keep going. Wish you more fans in 2009. Bye!
Dr Rayat
lol :-)
Carol: Maybe in your spare time you can start up your own blog? (as if a score of them isn't enough!) ;-) I'm guessing that maybe you work online.
Dr. Rayat: From one biomedical professional to another, welcome! Looks like you have some interesting posts on your blogs too, I'll be sure to follow up.
Mika: I like your blog too. I would like to learn a bit about that sort of trick photography too, because I think it could lead to some cool miniatures photos. Or perhaps I need to invest in PhotoShop?
Jestr: Your blog looks nice too, but I need a translation before I can make any sense of it.
you little song in the beginning was cute.
congrats on BON!
do you understand chinese?
Just a little ditty I made up as a Battletech tie-in. :-)
I don't understand Chinese, but Google Translate turned it into perfectly understandable economic commentary. This strikes me as exceptionally weird - I mean - you would think they might at least be trying to sell something, but maybe they just want to spoof the search engines.
Speaking of blog SPAM, this is an issue I haven't had to deal with before. Scraping it off a few times a day seems to be enough for the moment, and I expect it will fade when the recent surge of traffic eases.
Awesome! Merry Christmas, and I'm glad for you. If it wasn't for that gracious Blogs of Note business, I wouldn't have found this blog. I'm looking forward to being a regular reader, even though I'm somewhat new to the blogging "society", as I have just started mine.
Again, Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas and happy new year
nice blog
Merry Christmas to you as well. I am glad they made your's a Blog of Note. It's a great read.
Congrats on your blog of note - Happy New Year! - Robert
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