
02 September 2010

How awful is it?

I'm trying out the new Blogger template design tool. Unfortunately that means scrapping the entire scheme from the old blog and starting over. It's a bit of a mess yet, but I think it might be a bit easier to read now, at least to my middle-aged eyes. There is work yet to be done; I need to redo the banner, and the sidebar gadgets are a complete mess. If it doesn't work out, I can still got back to the old template. All comments appreciated.

--- Dan
GBR Giant Battling Robots Favicon


  1. Ha! I knew jealousy would force your hand!

  2. I thought it was only women that went in for fashion. ;-)

  3. If only you knew how much time I spent dithering other the color choices. ;-)

  4. And now there is nothing. At least we had the highbrow thing going on earlier. Did Hawkings and his latest effort put you off that choice of wallpaper, Mister Eastwood?

  5. Still nothing. Mmmmmm....empty space.

  6. Hey give him a break, we are littering up his blog with comments and the poor guy is probably involved in some major project.

    Planet Earth to EastwoodDC over.

  7. Ok ok, the equations are back, but now I have to change my banner to not be transparent. it makes the sidebar hard to read too ... and my title is now pink? I think PiP had something to do with this!

    I do have a lot of projects going on, but it's nice to have people remind me to pay more attention to this one. For the record, you guys are welcome to litter up my blog any time. ;-)


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