
15 January 2010

Are there rules for this in Battletech?

Somewhere in that 100-ton, 10-meter tall piece of walking mechanical mayhem you think there might be room to squeeze in a port-a-potty.

But then, given how quickly they get destroyed in battle typical Battletech game, maybe the problem has never come up? Click thru to the Far Left Side for the full-size, high quality image, and look for the neuro-helmet reference.
GBR Giant Battling Robots Favicon


  1. Actually there is a rule for that.

    Every BattleMech cockpit has two "seats". TechManual page 41. Under Waste Systems.

    Yep. Lol.

  2. Ha! I've got to remember that, and bring it up the next time I confront a "rules lawyer". ;-)

  3. "Swirlies" aren't quite the boyish pranks they used to be.

  4. heh - that cartoon would be accurate for a BattleMech with a Small Cockpit (the '2nd seat' is one of the things missing to give the Small Cockpit less weight and less criticals).

    Clan BattleMech Cockpits also lack the '2nd seat' (again, TechManual page 41)

    "Note again that the Clans’ spartan and compact cockpit styles rarely incorporate this feature, leaving their warriors to
    depend on bottles, baggies or self-discipline. Think on that concept for a while, and you may see why the Clans come off as such an irate people."


    hehe - just read that again and they did sneak a 'rarely' in that paragraph ;-)


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