
24 July 2009

A New Trenchbucket for Trebuchet

Artist Vadim Antonov Vladimir3D Battletech TrebuchetIn response to a previous post, Steven Satak sent me something to review; a page of text and art from the upcoming fan-produced TRO:3063 Vehicle Annex.

This drawing is by artist Vadim Antonov (Vladimir3D at Deviantart, where you can view his Battletech gallery).

Steve wanted to know if the writing was up to snuff compared to the other Battletech TROs. It is; the "Trebuchet TBT-8K" is a fine addition to the Battletech universe, and the writing style nicely fits with the official TRO series.

Artist Vadim Antonov Vladimir3D Battletech TrebuchetI offered a few minor suggestions for the text and noted a minor technical bug in the artwork. I offered to try to correct this bug, and Steve took me up on the offer. The results of my efforts are on the left.

These images are intentionally of reduced size and of low quality, because I don't want to take anything away from the project itself. I've always enjoyed the TRO series, and I'm very happy I got the opportunity to contribute in a small way. I am excited about seeing the finished results. I will be posting occasional updates when more news is available.

Battletech Fan produced TRP3063

GBR Giant Battling Robots Favicon


  1. Nice review. Well, as much of one as you could give. Are you willing to look at any other works? Any preferences as to House?



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